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Friday, September 23, 2011

Facebook Logo

Welcome!! I wanted to start my blog with the Facebook logo, reason behind that is because that where most of my "hopefully" followers will come from. So this is it!, I will be making "a logo a day" or as many as I can and as often as I can ;) Feedback is more than welcome so please comment and enjoy Lisy's LogoLove!!


  1. I will be making a series of sketches for ideas of logos. Some will not be final, just ideas that I came up with. Some will be recreations of already existing logos and some will be from companies that Ive simply made up. :)

  2. I'm really feeling the facebook logos, including the confusing like button you have there. I'm not crazy about the color of the overall blog. Other than that, I'm happy you got this thing going, keep the logos coming.
